

Right To information Act 2005 is an act to provide for setting out the practical regime of the Right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of the public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commission and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Click here to download Manual RTI Act 2005 (PDF 166 KB)



List of Brach, Appellate Authority, PIO, APIO
Sl. No. Branch Public Information Officer Assistant Public Information Officer.
1 Planning branch District Planning Officer Research Officer
2 Supply branch Superintendent of Supply Inspector of Supply
3 Excise branch Superintendent of Excise Dy. Supt. of Excise.
4 Election branch Addl. Deputy Commissioner(Election) Extra Assistant Commissioner
5 DSC branch Member Secretary (DSC) U.D.A ( DSC)
6 General branch (Arms & Explosive /ST/SC/Registration of Societies) Addl. Deputy Commissioner (General) In-charge Extra Assistant Commissioner Incharge.
7 Establishment Br. Addl. Deputy Commissioner , In-charge. Extra Assistant Commissioner In-charge.
8 Revenue branch In-charge Addl. Deputy Commissioner( Revenue) In-charge Extra Assistant CommissionerIn-charge
9 Development br. Addl. Deputy Commissioner (Development) In-charge Extra Assistant Commissioner
10 Judicial/ Law & Addl. Deputy Commissioner( Judicial) In-charge Extra Assistant CommissionerIn-charge
11 Nazarath branch Addl. Deputy Commissioner( Nazarath) In-charge Extra Assistant Commissioner In-charge
12 Registration Addl. Deputy Commissioner( Registration) In-charge Extra Assistant Commissioner/ Sub-Register. In-charge
13 Housing branch Inspector of Housing Branch, In-charge Jr. Engineer of Housing branch, In-charge
14 Relief branch Addl. Deputy Commissioner, In-charge Extra Assistant Commissioner, In-charge
15 DDMA Branch Addl. Deputy Commissioner, In-charge District Disaster Management Officer.

Lists of Appellate Authority, PIO & APIO

  1. Deputy Commissioner, Nongpoh (PDF 930 KB)
  2. District Planning Officer (PDF 481 KB)
  3. District Agriculture Officer
  4. Superintendent of Excise, Nongpoh (PDF 144 KB)
  5. Child Development Project Officer, Umling (PDF 145 KB)
  6. General Manager,District Industries Centre (PDF 226 KB)

To know more about the Right to Information Act of Government of Meghalaya (visit and Government of India (visit

Contact Appellate Authority

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