
Ka Patharkhmah CHC

Shaphang Ka Patharkhmah CHC

Ka Patharkhmah CHC ka don ha ka thain sepngi jong ka Ri-Bhoi District hapoh ka Jirang C& RD block bad ka jngai ka long kumba 70 km na ka District headquarter bad kumba 110 kms lyngba ka Mairang shaduh Shillong ka ba long ka Nongbah jong ka Jylla. Ka jingsdang jong ka Patharkhmah CHC ka long tang ka Primary Health care (PHC) naduh u snem 1981.Ha ka 6th u Iaiong 2002, ka la shah pynkyntiew kyrdan noh sha ka Community Health Centre(CHC).Kane ka CHC ka hikai kumno ban iada ban kyntiew bad ban pynbha ia kino kino ki jingpang ha ka imlang sahlang.Kane ka CHC ka don ia ka ban khmih kumba 17071 ngut ki Nongshong shnong bad kumba 35 tylli ki shnong bad ban ai ka jingshakri shaphang ka koit ka khiah lyngba ka State Health Department.Ym don mano mano ki doctor private ba don hapoh kane ka thain.Bun na ki Shnong ki long kiba eh ban poi haduh ki shnong naka daw ka jingbym biang ki surok khamtam haka por lyiur. Ka CHC ruh ka don ki Sub-centre kumka Umsong,Umshohphria bad Tasku sub-centre bad artylli la pynkyntiew kyrdan kum ki Health & wellness sub-centre.

Ka jinglong Trai

Kane ka CHC ka dei hapoh ka jingpeit bad khmih lyngba u Director of Health Services (medical Institution)Health &Family Welfare Government of Meghalaya.Ym tang kumta kane ka CHC ka don ruh ia ka Rogi Kalyan Samiti(RKS) kaba la khamti da ka National Health Mission, Ministry of Healh and Fammily welfare Government of India bad ia kane ka RKS la shongknor da I BDO Jirang C&RD Block bad I Doktor incharge iba long kum I member Secretary jong kane ka Society.

Ka Kommitte

Khnang ban peit ia kino kino ki jingdonkam ka Aspatal ,la don katto katne ki komittee lait noh na ka RKS bad I Doktor incharge I long ruh I shongknor jong kine ki Komiitee bapher bapher ki ba la shna . kine ki committee ki don la kijong ki jong ki nongmihkhmat In order to oversee adherence to the hospital wide policies & protocols, a number of committees have been formed. The Medical and Health officer incharge of the CHC is the chairperson of the committees, except for one. The committee have representation from different disciplines of the services being rendered.

The committee that have been formed are:

  1. Rogi kalian Samiti (RKS)
  2. Infection Control Committee.
  3. Condemnation Committee.
  4. Disaster Management Community.
  5. Committee Against Sexual Harassment.
  6. Maternal Death Review Committee.
  7. Child Death Review Committee.



Ka Jinglong Jingman jong Community Health Centre, Patharkhmah
Kajingdon ki Briew 17071
Ka jingdon ki Health& Welness sub-centres 2
Ka jingdon ki Shnong 35
Ka jingdon ki ASHAs 33
Ka jing don ki Angnawadi Centre 27
Ka jingdon ki jingthiah 30
Ka GPS Location( co-ordinates) 25.93 by 91.57
Ka don ruh u Email id
Ki Nongtrei Jong Ka CHC
Categories of Staff In position
MBBS Doctor 3
AYUSH Doctor 1
Community Health officer 1
Health Educator 1
Staff Nurse (Regular 2
Staff nurse (Officiating) 6
Pharmacist 1
Lab Technicians 1
ANM (Regulars) 2
ANM (Officiating) 5
Mid-Level Health Provider(MLHP)NHM 2
Sanitary inspector 1
Lower Division Assistance (LDA) 1
Health Assistance 2
Surveilance Inspector 1
Driver 1
Surveilance worker 3
Grade IV(Indoor) 4
Chowkidar (indoor) 3
Chowkidar (Sub-Centres) 3
Accountant (NHM) 1
Casual labour 3
ASHA Facilatators (NHM) 2
Code color Code Descriptor Code Description Who will activate Action to take
Code Rong saw Ka jing kemding Ka jing kemding ha aspatal Mano mano ba iohi ia ka jingpluh ding Ban pyntip sha ki bahalor
Code Rong Blue Medical Emergency Mano mano ba kyllon lane bymtip briew lane khie ring lane don kano kano ka jing jia aksident Ki Nongtrei ki ba don duty Kin pyntip haduh 3 sien
Code Rong Soh Hazardous chemical spill Kynja jingmynsaw Ki Nongtrei ki ba don duty Kin pyntip haduh 3 sien
  • Patharkhmah-CHC Staff

    Patharkhmah CHC Staff

    Patharkhmah CHC Staff

OPD Services:

  1. Allopathic: Medical : ki jing iasyllok, ka jingpeit ia ki jingpang, ban sumar bad peit ia kino kino ki jingmynsaw ba malu mala.
  2. AYUSH: ka jing iasyllok, ki jing batai ia ki jingpang bad ban sumar.
  3. IPD Services: Allopathic, Ka don 30 jingthiah bad ban sumar.
  4. Accident & Emergency: 24×7 ka jingtreikam , accident
  5. Laboratory Services: Ka ai jingshakri naduh 10am-3pm lait noh ha ka sngi u Blei

Biochemistry: ka jing shakri lymba ka jing test snam

  1. Hamatology: Hemoglobin, ABO & Rh-typing, DLC, CBC,Clotting time, ESR, Malaria microscopy & rapid antigen test, Hep-B antibody test and HIV rapid test.
  2. Microbiology: Sputum microscopy
  3. Pathology: Urine protein, urine sugar, Pregnancy test
  4. Serology: Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) for syphilis, Widal test.
  5. Pharmacy: Allopathic and AYUSH, 10am – 3pm, Sunday closed. Free drugs given to all patients
  6. Referral Services: 24×7 free referral services to higher centre, drop-back services for mothers who deliver in the CHC. The mode of referral is delivered by NAS ambulance, which is being operated in the line of the National ambulance services, providing referral transport to only complicated ante-natal, intra-natal and post -natal cases and sick new born and sick child up to 1 year of age, and providing drop back transport to mothers who deliver in the CHC The other mode of referral is delivered by 108 EMRI ambulance providing 24×7 referral services for all category of patients. The ambulance is BLS compatible, manned by a pilot and BLS trained EMT.
  1. Ante-natal Clinic: Man ka Sngi Balang, Sngi Thohdieng bad ka ka 9th tarik man la u Bnai
  2. Intra-natal: Ka pynkha ia ki nongkha bala dei ban kha. complications
  3. Post-natal: Ka jing khmih ia ki nongkha bala kha hapoh ka 48 kynta hadien ba la dep kha
  4. ka jingkhmih ia ki jingpang ba iabit lane ki NCD hapoh HWC bad CHC.
  5. Ka jing ai jingsumar iaki khunlung ba dang dep kha hapoh ing da ki ASHA man ka sngi thohdieng
  6. Ka jing ai tika man ka sngi baling bad sngi iew.
  7. ka jing leit ha ki skul da ka RBSK Team.

Family Planning:Spacing (IUD)

  1. .ka jing sam ia ki Condom
  2. ka jing sam ia ki OCP
  3. Ka jing ai inject pynjlan.
  4. Ka jing leit sam ia ki condom lane OCP da ki ASHAs
  5. Adolescent Friendly Health Clinic(Fixed)ba man la ka sngi baling..
  6. Ka jing pynlong YOGA hapoh Health & wellness sub-centres hapoh ka jing peit ka Ayushman Bharat programme.
  7. IEC and BCC .
  1. Reproductive Maternal Child Health+Adolescents(RMCH+A)
  2. National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP)
  3. National Vector Born Diseases Control Program (NVBDCP)
  4. National AIDS Control Program (NACP)
  5. National Leprosy Eradication Program (NLEP)
  6. Integrated Diseases Surveillance Project (IDSP)
  7. Non-Communicable Diseases Program
  8. National Program for Health Care of the Elderly

Ka jing register ia ki ba kha bad iap katkum ka RBD Act 1969

Ka jing register bad ban pynbiang ia ki jingthoh bad ban report ha kaba iadei bad ka MLC.

Janani Suraksha Yojana,Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram,Pradhan Mantri MatruVandana Yojana, ASHA Incentives

Kane ka aspatal ka dei ba la shimti da ka PM-JAY / MHIS-IV. Bad ladon ki nongkhmih bad nongiarap na bynta kine.

At present the following programs/services have been delivered & managed throughthe IT platform.

  1. District Vaccine & Drugs Management System (DVDMS)
  2. ANMOL (ANM online) for NCD, HWC &MOTHER Programs.
  3. PM-JAY for claims processing.
  4. NIKSHAY under the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP)
lno Particulars of License/Statutory certificate License No. Issue date Expiry date Remark
1 Authorization for BMW No. MPCB/BMW-4/2018-2019/146 11-03-2019 31-10-2021 Issued by Member Secretary Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board, Arden LumpynggadShillong
2 Authorization for operating Deep Burial Pit for BMW No. MPCB/BMW-1(Pt-VIII)/2017/2018-2019/176 26-04-2019   Issued by Member Secretary Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board, Arden Lumpyngngad, Shillong.

Ki jingtest bym don kam siew
Ki don ki test hapoh ka CHC ki bymdon kam ban siew bad la pynkhamti ha ka Krishnna Lab lyngba ka National Health Mission Govt. of Meghalaya.

Biomedical Equipment Maintenance
ki tiar ba dei ban lum ban lang ha aspatal ba la pynbit pynbiang da ka NHM Govt. of Meghalaya hapoh ka jing khmih ka TBS company kaba don ha Hyderabad.

Ka jinglum ia ki Tiar na aspatal
Ki saboh ba hap ha ka BMW la pynkhamti ha I Bah Kitbor Marbaniang ba la pynkhamti da ka Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board and the Directorate of health Services(MI).

Ka jingshakri 24×7 lymba ka Ambulance
Ka ai jingshakri 24*7 bad kadei hapoh ka NHM, Govt. of Meghalaya bad 108 EMRI ban leit shaw ia ki nongpang na ing bad leitbuh sha ing bad shakiwei ki aspatal lada donkam . ia 108 la khmih ruh da I bad u pilot ha ryngkat ka jing donryngkat jong ka Basic life Support (BLS).

Ka jing pynkhamti kat kum ka BMW Rules 2016
Ia ka bor la pynkup da ka Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board hapoh ka kyndon jong ka BMW Rule 2016 ia ka CHC
Bad Health & Wellness sub centre

Ka jingaibor ban tep ia ki saboh
Na ka daw ka jingbymdon ka Common bio-medical Waste Treatment facilityka CHC la aibor da State Pollution Control Board ban bret ia ki saboh ba hap ha category ba STEM ha ka Deep Burial pit, ka ba don ha CHC bad ban bud ryntih ia ki ain ba la buh da ka BMW Rule 2016.

Ka jing report ba shi sien shi snem

Ka jing report lyngba ka Form-IV jong ka BMW da ka CHC

  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019

Ka jing report ba man la u Bnai

  • Training bad checkup ia ki nongtrei
  • Training ia ki Nongtrei .


Treatment Codes
Category Definition Treatment & Disposal (CBWTF) Treatment & Disposal (in absence of CBWTF or in Rural areas)
Rong stem Placenta, products of conception, dentures Incineration or Plasma pyrolysis Treatment by 1% Chlorine solution for 1 hour. Disposal is by Deep Burial as per approval of State Pollution control board
Rong stem Soiled waste

i) Incineration or Plasma Pyrolysis

ii) If option (i) is not available then by autoclaving/hydroclaving followed by shredding and the final product to be sent for energy recovery

Treatment by 1% Chlorine solution for 1 hour. Disposal is by Deep Burial as per approval of State Pollution control board
Rong stem Expired or Discarded Medicines: Pharmaceutical waste like antibiotics, cytotoxic drugs including all items contaminated with cytotoxic drugs along with glass or plastic ampoules, vials etc Incineration >1200 degree C by the manufacturer or CBWTF Send back to district store
Rong stem Chemicals used in production of biological and used or discarded disinfectants Disposed of by Incineration or Plasma Pyrolysis or encapsulation in hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facility  
Rong stem Liquid waste generated due to use of chemicals in production of biological and used or discarded disinfectants, Silver Xray film developing liquid, discarded Formalin, infected secretions, aspirated body fluids, liquid from laboratories and floor washings, cleaning, housekeeping and disinfecting activities ETP ETP/STP/ onsite- liquid waste disinfection set-up. At Nartiang PHC, the BIOWAT
Rong stem Discarded linen, mattresses, beddings contaminated with blood or body fluid.

Non- chlorinated chemical disinfection followed by incineration or Plasma Pyrolysis or for energy recovery.

In absence of above facilities, shredding or mutilation or combination of sterilization and shredding. Treated waste to be sent for energy recovery or incineration or Plasma Pyrolysis.

Treatment by 1% chlorine solution and then shredded
Rong stem Microbiology,Biotechnology and other clinical laboratory waste: Blood bags, Laboratory cultures, stocks or specimens of microorganisms, live or attenuated vaccines, human and animal cell cultures used in research, industrial laboratories, production of biological, residual toxins, dishes and devices used for cultures. Incineration For discarded, expired vaccines, the vials are autoclaved, and vaccine content disposed of into deep burial pit, vials segregated into Blue bin, metallic cap into Sharps bin and plastic cap into Red bin.
Rong saw

Contaminated Waste (Recyclable)

(a) Wastes generated from disposable items such as tubing, bottles, intravenous tubes and sets, catheters, urine bags, syringes (without needles and fixed needle syringes) and vacutainers with their needles cut) and gloves

Autoclaving or microwaving/ hydroclaving followed by shredding or mutilation or combination of sterilization and shredding. Treated waste to be sent to registered or authorized recyclers or for energy recovery or plastics to diesel or fuel oil or for road making, whichever is possible.

Plastic waste should not be sent to landfill sites.

Contaminated wastes pre-treated with 1% chlorine solution and then kept in holding area for handing over to Authorized collector
Rong lieh

Waste sharps : including Metals: Needles, syringes with fixed needles, needles from needle tip

cutter or burner, scalpels, blades, or any other contaminated sharp object that may cause puncture

and cuts. This includes both used, discarded and contaminated metal sharps

Autoclaving or Dry Heat Sterilization followed by shredding or mutilation or encapsulation in metal

container or cement concrete; combination of shredding cum autoclaving; and sent for final disposal

to iron foundries (having consent to operate from the State Pollution Control Boards or Pollution

Control Committees) or sanitary landfill or designated concrete waste sharp pit.

Treatment by 1% chlorine solution and disposed of in Sharps Pit
Rong blue (a) Glassware: Broken or discarded and contaminated glass including medicine vials and ampoules except those contaminated with cytotoxic wastes.

Disinfection (by soaking the washed glass waste after cleaning with detergent and Sodium Hypochlorite treatment) or through autoclaving or microwaving or hydroclaving and then sent for recycling

Treatment by 1% chlorine solution and then shredded to be disposed of in Sharps Pit
  • Kalyakalp Awards -2017 (Commendation Awards)
  • Kalyakalp Awards-2018 (Commendation Awards)
  • SOP for Labour Room
  • SOP for National Health Program
  • SOP for Infection Control
  • SOP for Bio-Medical Waste Management
  • SOP for Hospital Disaster
  • SOP for Housekeeping
  • SOP for Medico-Legal Cases
  • Antibiotic Policy
  • Adverse Events Reporting Policy
  • Condemnation Policy
  • Consent Policy
Content as per provided by CHC-Patharkhmah on 11th September, 2020